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Ready meals
Jams and marmelade
Food service

Premium Quality


The quality of Cirio's preserves comes from the exceptional quality of our raw produce and the extreme care we take throughout the growing, picking, processing and packaging process.



We employ advanced agronomists 
and lab technicians

Quality controls are continuously carried out in accordance with the Quality Assurance System, over all the production phases: from the samples taken in the field before the harvest, to the samples during the production phase and till the finished products in stock. This is what we mean when we say tracked “from seeds to tables”.

To better guarantee quality, our Group even owns TERASEEDs, the company dedicated to GMO free industrial seeds ideal to the very best farming for each region of Italy and type of cultivar.
Our R&D Labs work closely with International Universities to present scientific findings at conferences worldwide.



The "Cirio Method" in bullet points!

  • Careful selection of the best seeds, 100% Italian, controlled and strictly guaranteed GMO free.
  • High quality standards of the raw material, grown in the most suitable areas of Italy: Po Valley in Northen Italy, Maremma in Tuscany, central Italy, and Apulia and Sicilia for the South.
  • Certified integrated production, environmentally friendly cultivation that makes the best use of natural resources by limiting all kind of additives.
  • Advanced agronomic techniques to guarantee the excellence of the tomato, harvested at the right degree of ripeness.
  • Factories close to the places of harvest: reduced transport times guarantee the freshness of the tomatoes.
  • Harvesting and processing within 24 hours, to preserve the authentic flavour of the tomatoes.
  • Strict quality assurance control system.

© 2022 Conserve Italia Soc. coop. agricola - Sede Legale: via Paolo Poggi 11 - 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) - C.F. 02858450584 - P.I. 00708311204 - Num. Iscr. Registro imprese di Bologna : 02858450584 - Credits