Over 165 years of experience made Cirio one of the most iconic brands in Italian cuisine. We put our heart into everything we create and produce: from the choice of fields and variety of cultivation, to the selection of best harvests and the plants process to preserve the genuine and authentic flavor of Nature.
Since 2004, has been part of the Conserve Italia Group, an Agricultural Cooperative Company whose social base is made up of over 14,000 farmer members, which cultivate their produce in Italian open fields with ‘’integrated certified’’ and sustainable production systems.
The Cirio supply chain is entirely Italian, transparent and certified: Cirio controls all phases, from sowing to packaging, as well as respecting extremely short processing times.
Cirio’s ranges offer the unmistakable quality and taste of 100% Italian tomatoes, carefully selected and managed at every stage of production to preserve maximum flavor.
© 2022 Conserve Italia Soc. coop. agricola - Sede Legale: via Paolo Poggi 11 - 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) - C.F. 02858450584 - P.I. 00708311204 - Num. Iscr. Registro imprese di Bologna : 02858450584 - Credits