Cirio Rustica sieved tomatoes boast an unmistakable consistency, texture and body to bring a thick, textured Passata that you can literally pick up with a fork.
Our finest quality tomatoes are picked at their ripest and passed through a sieve with large holes to create an authentic Italian Passata just like a traditional homemade recipes that burst with the taste of fresh tomatoes! It’s the original and the best!
The Italians’ favourite. Ideal for recipies which require short cooking times, for adding a strong tomato flavour to pasta or vegetable dishes. Also perfect for pizza topping.
Tomatoes! They’re sweet, juicy, and delicious. Everyone knows they are good for you but does everyone know specifically why tomatoes are such a healthy food?
But let’s look at what makes the tomato an excellent healthy choice. One serving of red, ripe, raw tomatoes (one cup or 150 grams) is a good source of Vitamins A, C, K, folate and potassium. Tomatoes are naturally low in sodium.
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