POLPADORO is a sweet and very fine pulp with a natural sauce that gives each recipe all the taste of the freshly picked tomato.
POLPADORO has a freshness that remains intact even in prolonged cooking, such as stews, stews and braised meats, excellent in pasta sauces. Simple to roll out and pulpy at the right point, it is also ideal on pizza, especially if cooked in a wood oven.
Tomatoes, acidity regulator: citric acid.
Tomatoes! They’re sweet, juicy, and delicious. Everyone knows they are good for you but does everyone know specifically why tomatoes are such a healthy food?
But let’s look at what makes the tomato an excellent healthy choice. One serving of red, ripe, raw tomatoes (one cup or 150 grams) is a good source of Vitamins A, C, K, folate and potassium. Tomatoes are naturally low in sodium.
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