Ready meals
Jams and marmelade
Food service

Baked Sweet Potatoes




30 min

4 servings

300 g Cirio Chopped Tomatoes
300 g Cirio Piselli
300 g Cirio Mais
300 g Red Kidney
2 big sweet potatoes
75 ml extra virgin olive oil
350 g natural or smoked Tofu
15 g  curry
Black pepper
  1. Wash the sweet potatoes, cut them in half and dig out the inside to allow space for the filling.
  2. Take the pulp removed from the sweet potatoes and sauté with the vegetables and tofu.
  3. Crush the tofu with your hands and flavour it: sauté in a pan with curry, oil, the pulp of the potatoes, salt and pepper.
  4. Add the Cirio Peas, Cirio Sweet Corn, Cirio Red Kidney Beans and the Cirio chopped Tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Place the potatoes on an oven dish, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, and fill them with the mixture prepared earlier.
  6. Over with kitchen foil and cook at 180°C for 25 minutes. Take the potatoes out of the oven and serve.
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