Ready meals
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Tarte tatin di pomodorini confit and basil




20 min

4 servings


400 g CIRIO Pomodorini
200 g CIRIO Pasta Sauce Basilico

2/3 Sweet red onions

40 g Sugar
White wine
1 roll puff pastry
Extra virgin olive oil

  1. Dry cherry tomatoes and sauté them with half of the sugar and 2/3 spoons of the oil.
  2. Meanwhile chop the onions and caramelise them with the other half of the sugar, 2/3 spoons of the oil and some wine.
  3. Mix cherry tomatoes and onions and split them in 4 single serve molds cover with a spoon of Basilico sauce.
  4. Cover each mold with puff pastry.
  5. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes 200°.
  6. Take out the tarte Tatin and turn it upside down immediately.
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