Side dish
50 min
6 servings
Tuscan-style sausage ragù
600 g of sausage, good quality and Italian
50 g of red onion, diced
50 g of garlic, finely sliced
120 g of chorizo
1 pinch of chilli flakes
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1 tbsp of CIRIO Tomato puree
200 ml of white wine
400 g of CIRIO Ceci
400 g of CIRIO Pelati
150 ml of water
100 ml of extra virgin olive oil, good quality
To serve
70 g of Parmesan, 2 years aged
1 garlic clove
1 unwaxed lemon
1/2 bunch of parsley
1 handful of basil leaves
25 ml of extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper
Tuscan-style sausage ragù
by Luke Holder
Courtesy of Great British Chefs
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