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Tuscan-style sausage ragù

Side dish



50 min

6 servings


Tuscan-style sausage ragù
600 g of sausage, good quality and Italian
50 g of red onion, diced
50 g of garlic, finely sliced
120 g of chorizo
1 pinch of chilli flakes
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1 tbsp of CIRIO Tomato puree
200 ml of white wine
400 g of CIRIO Ceci 
400 g of CIRIO Pelati

150 ml of water
100 ml of extra virgin olive oil, good quality

To serve
70 g of Parmesan, 2 years aged
1 garlic clove
1 unwaxed lemon
1/2 bunch of parsley
1 handful of basil leaves
25 ml of extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper

  1. To begin, add the oil to a heavy-based pan (preferably a cast iron one) and place over a medium heat – it will look like an excessive amount of oil at this stage but don’t worry, it will play an important part in the sauce later on.
  2. Once hot, add the sausages and allow to colour. Remove from the pan and set aside once golden.
  3. Add the onion and garlic and season with a little salt – this will help to sweat the vegetables, rather than colour them. Gently cook for 7–10 minutes.
  4. Cut the chorizo into long slices and add to the onion and garlic, along with the chilli flakes, paprika and tomato puree. Cook out for a further 7–10 minutes – at this point, the oil should be a bright red colour.
  5. Add the wine, bring to a rapid boil and allow to reduce by half. Add the tinned tomatoes, tinned chickpeas (including the liquid in the tin) and water. Return the sausages to the pan and reduce the liquid by half.
  6. At this stage, the sauce should be thick and glossy from the olive oil. Set aside to rest for 5 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, freshly grate the Parmesan, lemon zest and garlic clove together. Chop the parsley and pick the basil leaves.

Tuscan-style sausage ragù
by Luke Holder

Courtesy of Great British Chefs

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Side dish
50 min
Tuscan-style sausage ragù
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