Ready meals
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Food service

Blooming onion with tomato sauce by James Martin

Side dish



30 min

2 servings


For the tomato sauce

1 tbs olive oil

2 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped

400g Cirio Cherry tomatoes

½ tsp cumin seeds

For the onion

2 large onions, peeled

200ml milk

150g plain flour

½ tsp cumin seeds

Veg oil for frying


Fresh coriander leaves chopped


To make the sauce

  1. Fry the garlic for a minute
  2. Add all the remaining ingredients stir through simmer for 5 minutes season

For the onions

  1. Place between 2 wooden spoons the root at the bottom cut through to the root keeping it attached making 12 cuts from the top to the bottom
  2. Gently pull apart dip the milk then the Cumin flour
  3. Fry at 160c for 6 to 8 minutes
  4. Drain

To serve spoon the sauce onto plates top with an onion sprinkle over coriander

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