Ready meals
Jams and marmelade
Food service

Tomato sausage and bean cassoulet by James Martin

Side dish



60 min

6 servings


25g olive oil

12 large pork sausages

4 slices streaky bacon, cut into 2 cm slices

3 cloves garlic crushed

1 leek, diced

1 carrot diced

2 sticks celery, diced

1 shallot, diced

400g Cirio Chopped tomatoes

300g haricot beans, drained

few sprigs of rosemary



1 tbs Worcester sauce

15g butter

salt and pepper

1 small bunch parsley chopped


1 small bunch basil

1 clove garlic

25g pine nuts

50g grated parmesan

75ml olive oil



  1. Heat a large non- stick pan until hot the oil then the sausages cook for 5 minutes, until browned, pop onto the oven for 10 minutes add the bacon to the same pan and fry for another couple of minutes
  2. Add all the vegetables and the beans and cook for another 5 minutes
  3. Pour in the tomatoes then the Worcester sauce and sprinkle over the rosemary, bring to the boil then simmer for 5 minutes
  4. Place all the ingredients for the pesto into a small food processor, blitz until smooth
  5. To serve stir through the butter season then sprinkle with parsley spoon onto plates top with sausages and pesto

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